
The Sky Egg picture book will now be available in languages other than English. Diane Morrow, the sponsoring teacher from Robert E. Lee High School, in Houston, Texas has a number of students who are translating the book into their native languages. Many thanks to these bright, generous young people for their efforts! The translations will be the students’ own versions or interpretations of the picture book and may or may not be literal (word for word) translations of the original text. They have been encouraged to be creative with the story and to generate it in such a way that it makes sense in their culture and language. Some changes may occur in the layout of the artwork in various translations to accommodate these variations. Downloads of the translations will be provided here as they are submitted.

The Sky Egg Picture Book Translation Listing:

Martalicia Becerra has translated the story into Spanish for your enjoyment. She has titled her translation, El huevo de cielo.

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